Mearachd ann an cruth post-d
A 'coimhead airson fuasglaidhean ioma-fhiadhaichte agus cumhachdach cumhachdach? Bidh na sèidearan adhair againn a 'tabhann smachd fuadain gun fhilleadh airson àrainneachd sam bith. Freagarrach do shuidheachaidhean gnìomhachais, malairteach, agus còmhnaidh, tha na sèidearan againn làidir, seasmhach, agus air an dealbhadh airson obrachadh sàmhach. Tagh bho raon de shleapadairean so-ghiùlain agus axial a rèir na feumalachdan fionnarachaidh sònraichte agad. Tha an sgioba eòlach againn an seo gus molaidhean optimization a thoirt seachad, a 'dèanamh cinnteach gu bheil na pròiseasan HVAC agad agus na pròiseasan fionnarachaidh agad a' ruith gu rèidh agus gu h-èifeachdach. Tagh ar sèididhean adhair airson fuasglaidhean earbsach, lùth-èifeachdach, agus fionnarachadh gnàthaichte a choinnicheas ri na riatanasan sònraichte agad.
Tha an DSX-155 (DSX-155H176666664P1A-1) na inneal-gluasad adhair àrd-sgoile air a mhìneachadh airson tagraidhean gnìomhachais agus malairteach iarrtas. Le a dhealbhadh làidir agus feartan adhartach, bidh an t-sluagh seo a 'dèanamh cinnteach gu bheil cuairteachadh adhair èifeachdach, ga dhèanamh air leth freagarrach airson raon farsaing de fhionnarachadh agus feumalachdan fuarachaidh.
Tha an neach-leantainn dùbailte DSX-160H na fhuasgladh fionnarachaidh eadar-dhealaichte agus neo-èifeachdach air a dhealbhadh airson raon farsaing de fheumalachdan glanaidh agus fionnarachaidh. Le a dhreuchd drùidhteach drùidhteach agus riatanasan àite as lugha, tha an t-òran seo ag obair gu sà fhasanta ann an diofar shiostaman, a 'dèanamh air deagh roghainn airson obair mhòr-chuid.
A 'toirt a-steach an neach-leantainn Deshengxin EC14EnXIn EC-Cenrifugal EC, fuasgladh fionnarachaidh àrd-thoinneach air a dhealbhadh airson grunn thagraidhean gnìomhachais is malairteach. A 'nochdadh dealbhadh adhartachte adhartach, lannan còmhnaichte-phròiseas, agus còmhdach làidir a chaidh a dhèanamh de stuthan àrd-chàilean, a' dèanamh cinnteach gu bheil sàbhalaidhean mòra giùlain agus fuaim ìosal. Freagarrach airson seòmraichean-glanaidh, raointean-lann, seòmraichean-obrach ospadail, agus bùthan-obrach giullachd Bidhe, tha an EC143 a 'tabhann fuasgladh earbsach agus tionnsgain airson a bhith a' cumail suas glainead is cofhurtachd a-staigh.
The DSX-EC145 EC-Centrifugal Fan is an innovative ventilation solution designed to deliver high-volume airflow with minimal energy consumption and noise. Its centrifugal design ensures efficient air movement, making it suitable for a wide range of ventilation and cooling applications in industrial, commercial, and residential settings.
The EC-190 fan is a centrifugal fan equipped with an Electrical Commutation (EC) motor, which is a brushless DC outer rotor motor. It combines the advantages of high intelligence, high energy efficiency, long lifespan, low vibration, and low noise, ensuring continuous and uninterrupted operation.
The EC195-2(DSX-EC195H136N8P1A-2) EC Blower is a premium ventilation solution that sets the benchmark for efficiency, reliability, and versatility. Combining robust construction with cutting-edge EC motor technology, this blower offers unparalleled performance for a wide range of applications, including industrial, commercial, and HVAC systems. With its advanced features and user-friendly controls, the EC195-2 is designed to meet the demanding ventilation needs of modern spaces.
Introducing the DSX-EC155(DSX-EC155H176N8P1A-2) EC-Centrifugal Blower Fan, a cutting-edge ventilation solution designed to deliver high-volume airflow with minimal energy consumption and noise. Engineered for versatility and efficiency, this fan is perfect for a wide range of applications, including industrial, commercial, and residential settings. With its advanced EC motor, centrifugal design, and robust construction, the DSX-EC155 stands out as a reliable and cost-effective ventilation solution.
The DSX-EC200 blower fan, powered by advanced EC motor technology, is a high-performance ventilation solution designed for various industrial, commercial, and HVAC systems. With its efficient energy conversion, low noise, and stable airflow output, the EC200 is an ideal choice for applications such as data centers, server rooms, factories, warehouses, shopping malls, hospitals, and purification ventilation equipment like air shower rooms.
The DSX-EC239 EC Blower Fan represents the cutting edge in ventilation technology, leveraging advanced EC motor technology to deliver efficient energy conversion and reduced energy consumption. Designed for versatility and reliability, this fan is perfect for a wide range of applications, including grain warehouses, data centers, server rooms, factories, and more. With its sophisticated control system and high-performance DC brushless motor, the DSX-EC239 ensures smooth, consistent airflow and minimal maintenance.